Communicating Science with Visuals:
Welcome! Domenic Pennetta is a professional illustrator and graphic designer specializing in digital and traditional illustration, infographics, diagrams, and presentations for researchers and educators. If you are interested in working with Domenic, feel free to see the contact page.
See Illustration Portfolio
Two raspy crickets pollinate the rare orchid, Angraecum cadetii, on the island of Réunion. Art by Domenic Pennetta.
Depicting the Small and Unfamiliar:
When we think of life on our planet, we often imagine birds, fish, and mammals... small invertebrates like insects are not usually what comes to mind, despite their diversity. As an illustrator, Domenic wants to challenge the layperson's preconception of life by focusing on depicting the small—beetles, wasps, flies, and much more. Even in a modern age with enhanced photography techniques and technological advancements, scientific drawings of insects are still quite useful and at times even better at conveying scientific concepts than photographs.
See Entomological Illustrations
Reconstruction of Falospongia ramosa, a species of sponge from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. Photo credit: Jean-Bernard Caron, the Royal Ontario Museum. Art by Domenic Pennetta.
Reconstructing the Past:
There are new findings made in the field of paleontology every day, and it is important to create accurate reconstructions of extinct species. Domenic aims to depict the obscure organisms within the fossil record—invertebrates like sponges, arthropods, and worms to illustrate research that often goes neglected in paleoart.
See Paleontological Illustrations
Life cycle of the North American cicada killer wasp, Sphecius speciosus. Infographic by Domenic Pennetta.
Making Infographics:
Infographics help people understand complex concepts using visual aids. Charts, graphs, images, diagrams—all these elements play a role in communicating research to the broader public and even to other professionals in the field. Domenic enjoys working with scientists, academics, and students to clearly and professionally illustrate their research for conferences, symposiums, and academic journals.
Interested in working with Domenic? Feel free to reach out to him via email or social media.
See Contact Information